Many women or couples suffer from an unfulfilled wish to have children. In some cases, it is organic or functional problems that prevent pregnancy from occurring. In other cases, everything is physically completely normal on both sides, but it still doesn’t “work”. In both cases, there may well be alternatives to hormone treatment or artificial insemination.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment can, for example, help to regulate the cycle, stimulate ovulation or improve egg or sperm quality. There is also the chance of strengthening the uterus and thus reducing the tendency to miscarry. On a psychological level, one approach is to reduce any internal stress and promote relaxation, which often contributes significantly to being able to conceive a child. To this end, I offer the conventional homeopathic initial anamnesis, in which there is enough time and space to identify any blockages.
Finding a concept together
I have a pool of remedies and methods to hopefully find the best concept of treatment for you. I usually also work with herbs and natural products to support you. Natural treatment can be used as a stand-alone method, but can also be used alongside conventional treatment.